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Jan Eerala - 61N 21E -
I’m a photographer, visual artist and a sound artist. I’m no youngster anymore, born in 1948, but as I once loose my heart to the liberal ideals of the sixties with its flower power etc. I cannot consider myself as most people in same age ;- My background lies though in photography and makings of fine art photography. Small handheld cameras (like famous Leica) began popular in the sixties and from that time I think I have one of my best works, that carry the name ”LaStrada” (referring to a film of Fellini from 1954) Between 16-18 years old, I had a Leica always in my pocket, and as I made a lot of expeditions by foot or bicycle to the rural countryside where I discovered a whole disappearing world, I couldn’t be portraying it. The exhibition from there with the introduction can be seen here: With the years I practiced a lot of photography, mostly in contemporary context and with huge formats, like 8x10” film, but around in the early years of this decade, I felt that the whole medium had used most of its potential and started to occur commonly uninteresting. So I began making videos, mostly for fun and because I wanted to do editing, but without severe artistic goal. Take a look here: It didn’t take a long time to realize, that the sound was often more important for the film than the visual part of it. Soon I discovered, that it was easier to do a video, if you had a good sound first. This way led me to the world of sounds, or soundscapes, and the day I tried out my first omnidirectional microphone set, I was totally blowed away! So, in fact I’m rather new to the aural medium, practicing it more severe only for about from four to five years, and still having the great feeling of learning and understanding new things. Of all mediums, a good recording is something that is the nearest reproduction of true life, and that’s a tremendous strongness. Despite that, the sound experience inhabit more imagination power than, e.g. the photographic medium. As a binaural recording may be more true to reality, I think the technique with spaced omnis performs better, as true binaural is a little weak in the middle for my taste. Please listen to my recordings with good earphones, as you may otherwise loose the inherent meaning of the whole recording. Without headphones, there will be the ”aural information” only, without qualities related to aural space and dimensions. In the 90’s I have been living with my wife in Makholma, a small countryside village by the Baltic shore on the West coast of Finland. Summertime I’m sailing with my old wooden boat nearby and wintertime skiing along the sea ice, as the sea is in fact the last wilderness. Sometimes I visit also the more unhabited areas of Norway by the Barents Sea, but most of my works are done just a few miles from our home or nearby. The climate change has made good ice winters a rarity for last years, but luckily there will mostly still be sea ice on the spring side. A collection of pics from my sphere (from the last years) can be seen here: (click the folders) and more preciously from our home village here: And my soundwork is found here: Jan contact: address: Metsamajantie 8, FIN 28660 Pori Finland |
Jan Eerala - 61N 21E - Muistan kuin eilisen päivän sen aamun, kun ensimmäisen kerran heräsin
pienessä Makholman mökissämme. Hiljaisuus oli niin vaikuttava, että saman tien tajusin paluun takaisin kaupnkiin täysin mahdottomaksi. Niinpä jäin vaimoni kanssa Makholmaan, pieneen kalastajakylään Porin länsipuolelle Selkämeren rannalla, ja olemme asuneet täällä vuodesta 1989 lähtien. Aloitin Rupuranta-blogin pitämisen v. 2004 koska tunsin paljon ihmisiä joilla ei ollut käsitystä millaiselta 'maailma' täällä rannalla näyttää. Halusin myös osoittaa, että 'luonnon helmassa' voi elää nykyajan mukavuuksista tinkimättä, silti kaikkia niitä tarvitsematta. Vuoden 2009 paikkeilla tietoyhteyksien nopeutuminen mahdollisti elävälle kuvalle uuden median ja viehdyin videon tekoon kuten myös äänen tallentamiseen. Itse asiassa koen äänimaailman vahvemmaksi ja vaikuttavammaksi tekijäksi kuin pelkän kuvallisen ilmaisun, ja tällä hetkellä keskitynkin ehkä enemmän visualisoimaan ääntä kuin tuottamaan kuvaa. Minua voi seurata myös Vimeossa: Stillkuvia viime ajoilta löytyy täältä: Äänitallenteita on myös täällä: Tämän sivuston osoitteet ovat tai Kuuntele äänitteitä korvakuulokkeilla, koska ne ovat lähes binauraalisia joitten ominaislaatu perustuu tilaan ja laajuuteen jota ei voi koeta ilman kuulokkeita, kiitos! Jan Eerala Email: Puhelin: 0405795105 Osoite: Metsämajantie 8, 28660 Pori |
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